With these beautiful pictures & news about the successful launch of #Artemis1 we also finish our 20hrs coverage of the most important new step in human history. We will be back on Monday. Thanks for being with us. #ForwardToTheMoon #Moon #WeAreGoing #orion #earth #SpaceSuit #ESM The Spacesuit is also fire resistant and available in different size to fit better for future astronauts. #Artemis #ForwardToTheMoon #Moon #WeAreGoing #orion #earth #SpaceSuit The dummys on the orion capsular wear the new Spacesuit made for the Artemis 2 crew. The Spacesuit has some bridge orange colors. This is to detect astronauts in water by everyone. #Artemis #ForwardToTheMoon #Moon #WeAreGoing #orion #earth #SpaceSuit The first pictures from #Earth, 50,000 miles away from earth made bei the #orion camera #Artemis #ForwardToTheMoon #Moon #WeAreGoing Picture of the engine of orion capsular In a few moments NASA will present the first #Earth Images from Orion camera. The OTC 1 burn has started.the OTC 1 burn has started. 30 seconds to the OTC 1 burn. This map shows the different milestone through the mission. We have so far completed 7 milestones, we expecting milestone number 8 today. More details to the broken ethernet switch. The switch was part of a critical public safety system operated by the US Space Force. The work to exchange the switch worked perfectly and NASA was informed about every step made by US Space Force. NASA press conference is running. The launch was a full success. We are still on Day 1 of a 26 days mission. Till then we will keep you updated. Stay tuned. #Artemis1 #Artemis #ForwardToTheMoon #WeAreGoing #NASA #ESA #ESM #orion The trans-lunar injection burn is successfully completed. Stage separation excepted in about one minute. Orion flies with a speed of 19,700 miles per hour towards the moon. 240,000 miles away from the moon. less than 3 minutes left of the trans-Lunar trajectory burn. Speed 25,000 miles per hour. The Lunar trajectory burn has begun. 13 minutes left of the burn. Orion capsular is now on a speed of more than 19,000 miles per hour. Capstone is the name of the satellite reached the moon yesterday and launched in June from New Zealand which supports the Artemis Mission and the future Lunar Gateway. The first short burn to leave earth gravitation as successful. Lunar trajectory burn will be after 1 hour and 26 minutes after launch. first picture of the solar arrays. The Orion capsular will the first time live stream from a space craft and show the moon live. 13 landing sites for #Artemis mission with humans have been found. One of them will welcome humans until 2030. Today is a big day for human space travel #ForwardToTheMoon #WeAreGoing Solar arrays will be opened 30 minutes after launch. We are 20 minutes after launch. The deploy of the 4 solar arrays will take around 12 minutes. Flight director Charlie Blackwell Thompson will address the crew in the control center. Saying it's the moment of the team and that they all earned the place they are now. They will all have a place history and inspire generations to come. The SLS rocket made the night to day at Cape Canaveral. We have been long waited for this step. This time it's an international science mission and not a race. The gateway to the #moon is on. Core engine will separate in 4 minutes from the orion capsular and the European service module. 4 minutes after launch. Boosters have separated. Orion capsular is on its way. One minute till launch 2 minutes left We have a go, less than 4 minutes countdown. All teams are now communicating on the same radio channel. Means the launch is going to come and all things will now be communicated in the whole team. There are no reasons to stop the launching. Still more work to do until the launch can be continued. But we are still on Go. More than 40 step have to be proceed to get the go for the final launch window within these 2 hours time window we have for the launch, Europe not only developed snd contributed the European service module to #Artemis, also European contractors contributed parts to the #SLSrocket #ForwardToTheMoon #Moon #WeAreGoing What is the economic success for Europe in the #Artemis Mission? Every euro invested into the space industry in Europe will bring the economy am output of 8 to 13 euro’s. Just simple because of the new developed technologies. The flight termination system was affected by the defect ethernet switch. This is system is important to send a termination signal to the rocket if the rocket gets out of control during the launch. We are exctending the hold of the countdown, having a delay now. The 7:04am (CET) will be missed. There is much more work than expected in the last 15 minutes before the launch. 95% of the hydrogen upper stage are filled. In late 2024 a new rover of NASA will investigate the south pool of the #Moon. This rover is also to investigate the shadowed/dark areas on the moon. We are at the planed T minus 10 minutes hold. NASA is confident to hold on a launch at 7:04am. The satellite also accompany the mission has arrived on the Moon as well. Upper stage of liquid hydrogen is 78% loaded. We have to wait for this. A ethernet switch had to be replaced which was defect and controlling the security system. Over the night there was a hydrogen leak which was solved. The weather looks also good and the tanking of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen is completed. The 2 hours launch windows is about to open now. Good morning from Europe with very nice news. We are still on Go for the Artemis I launch. We are at T minus 24 minutes till launch. Fast fill of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen is on the way. We are at T minus 6 hours and 25 minutes till launch. Our team wishes you a good night and we will continue our coverage in around 6 hours, short before the launch. Thanks for being with us until now. See in T - 6 hrs. Liquid hydrogen filling will be finished in around one hour. The liquid oxygen tanking process will take a few more hours. The engine bleed is completed. It was seen liquid hydrogen outside but less than 4% of the hydrogen. This is in the expected parameters. Everything is running well at this point. NASA says, things running very well at the moment. Between the second launch attempt and today a tanking check was proceeded to update the tanking process. Engine bleed kick-start on the hydrogen side is performed now. The core stage of liquid oxygen and the liquid hydrogen line 2 are loading at the moment. 5% of the liquid oxygen tank is full and no problems detected yet. Problems occurred at this stage during the launch attempts one and two. #Artemis #ForwardToTheMoon #WeAreGoing We are at T minus 8 hours 32 minutes until liftoff. Slow fill of liquid hydrogen has begun. We are at T minus 8 hours 32 minutes until liftoff. Slow fill of liquid hydrogen has begun. 537 thousand gallons of liquid hydrogen are loaded to the tanks today. The chill down of the second transfer line for liquid hydrogen is underway. 500 gallons of liquid hydrogen and oxygen per minute will constantly flow into the tanks once loading has started. Currently we have some slim clouds over Cape Canaveral. The weather experts observing the weather very closely. Currently the weather is good for launch. Correction: The loading of the tanks goes faster. We have a bit over 8 hours remaining until launch. The launch window will be 2 hours today. 750 thousand gallons of propellant are loaded into the tanks of the SLS rocket. This will take around 9 hours. #Hydrogen will flow #naturality by the pressure in the loading line to the tanks. The liquid #oxygen is pumped into the tanks. We also got the go for the loading of the liquid #hydrogen. The liquid hydrogen has a temperature of -423 degrees Fahrenheit (-252.8 degrees Celsius) The go for loading the liquid #oxygen is there. Next step is the chilling down of the loading lines before the liquid oxygen. A not enough chilled loading lines was expected to be the problem for the last two no-goes of the launch. For our German followers. The German news broadcaster "Phoenix" will start its coverage at 6:30am CET in the morning with a special report until 9am CET. The SLS rocket is outside and coming soon the core stage propellant loading will begin. Welcome to the 3rd attempt to launch Artemis I. This thread will cover the launch of Artemis I, starting with the SLS fueling tonight and finishes tomorrow hopefully with the 1st pictures of Earth made by the Orion capsular.
Engines start and launch. #Artemis1