Setting up Strato Webspace in WinSCP

You can access your Strato web space with the WinSCP tool.

  1. Start WinSCP
  2. Click „Create a new connection
  3. Select the protocol: „SFTP„.
  4. The Strato computer name is:
  5. The port is: 22
  6. Now enter your Strato FTP user that Strato provides in its customer portal.
  7. FTP user: ftp_(username)@(domain)
  8. Now decide whether you want to save the password directly. The password is saved unencrypted in WinSCP.ini.
  9. Now save and the connection is stored in WinSCP.
  10. Now connect and enter the password if you have not saved it in the connection.

WinSCP connects to the Strato webspace.